Affiliated Engineers, Inc.
J.E.D. Installation
Johnson Controls
The Whiting-Turner Contracting Company
Wynn O. Jones & Associates, Inc.
H2I Group
Henderson Engineers, Inc.
Innovative Laboratory Systems
InSite Group, Inc.
Jorban-Riscoe Associates, Inc.
KBS Constructors, Inc.
PGAV Architects

Chapter Sponsorship
The Heart of America I2SL Chapter seeks to be the leading resource in the Kansas City Metro Region to advance the design, construction, operation, and maintenance of environmentally-responsive laboratories and other high-technology environments.
Through quarterly tours and networking opportunities, I2SL Heart of America Chapter members will gain further insight into best practices and implementation of sustainable systems to move toward meeting the goal of technologically advanced, energy-efficient laboratories and high-tech facilities.
Previous Events Include:
Building Tours
Children’s Mercy Research Insitute
NextGen Precision Health
KC Crime Lab
KUMC Health Education Building
KU Integrated Science Building
Monitoring-Based Commissioning at Stowers Institute
Airflow Measurement for Labs
Meet the Scientist: Dr. O’Rourke
Project Spotlight Presentations
Annual Socials
Hosted I2SL National Conference in 2016
Sponsorship of the Heart of America Chapter of I2SL is currently available.
Your company will benefit from the exposure to leaders in the regional laboratory and high technology market provided through this sponsorship.
Annual Sponsorship
All sponsors will be featured in meeting announcements and correspondence for 12 months. In addition, the following benefits apply:
Platinum - $1,000
Each Platinum sponsor will be selected as “lead” sponsor of one event.
Additional opportunity to provide promotional materials at events.
Additional speaking opportunity at event.
Company logo and a link to website displayed prominently on the I2SL Heart of America website.
Annual thank you advertised on LinkedIn and email.
Recognition in all announcements and promotions.
Gold - $500
Company logo and a link to website displayed on the I2SL Heart of America website.
Annual thank you advertised on LinkedIn and email.
Recognition in all announcements and promotions.
To be a sponsor, please complete the form at the bottom of this page, and return your payment as noted…
If you have any questions or would like to discuss how you can further participate with the Heart of America I2SL Chapter, please to not hesitate to contact us at the emails below.
Best Regards - The Heart of America I2SL 2025 Chapter Officers
President, Mark Snyder, Jorban Riscoe, MarkSnyder@jorban-riscoe.com
President Emeritus, Patrick Kantor, The Whiting-Turner Contracting Co., Patrick.Kantor@whiting-turner.com
Vice President, Danny McGrail, Henderson Engineers, Danny.McGrail@HendersonEngineers.com
Treasurer, Sean Reardon, KBS SeanReardon@kbsci.com
Secretary, Chris Sharp, Clark & Enersen, Chris.Sharp@clarkenersen.com
Communications, Shelby Bicknell, Henderson Engineers, Shelby.Bicknell@HendersonEngineers.com
Member-At-Large, Adam Neth, InSite Group, adam@insitegroup.net
Member-At-Large, Dennis Mertz, J.E.D. Installation, dennis@jedinstallation.com
Member-At-Large, Kenneth Keane, University of Missouri, keaneke@missouri.edu